10 numéros
magazine format : papier

The Africa Report
The Africa Report has established itself as the international publication of reference dedicated to African affairs. It is the guide used by decision makers to anticipate economic and political changes in Africa and relied upon for the expertise of an independent editorial team in its surveys, sector reports and country focus published in each issue. Its recognised high-quality coverage of the African business environment is combined with the widest pan-African and international circulation.
Every month, The Africa Report provides more than 400,000 African and international readers with expert analysis of Africa’s fast-changing political and economic landscapes.
With Africa becoming an investment destination of choice, The Africa Report responds to the growing business need for solid analysis of the political situation and assessment of the risks.

Sur commande

10 numéros
magazine format : papier

The Africa Report
The Africa Report has established itself as the international publication of reference dedicated to African affairs. It is the guide used by decision makers to anticipate economic and political changes in Africa and relied upon for the expertise of an independent editorial team in its surveys, sector reports and country focus published in each issue. Its recognised high-quality coverage of the African business environment is combined with the widest pan-African and international circulation.
Every month, The Africa Report provides more than 400,000 African and international readers with expert analysis of Africa’s fast-changing political and economic landscapes.
With Africa becoming an investment destination of choice, The Africa Report responds to the growing business need for solid analysis of the political situation and assessment of the risks.

Plus d'infos
ISBN / EAN 0001-9836
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