An Echo In The Bone - Outlander Vol 7

As battle-scarred Jamie Fraser and his twentieth-century time-travelling wife Claire Randall flee from North Carolina to the high seas during the American Revolution, they encounter privateers and oce
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As battle-scarred Jamie Fraser and his twentieth-century time-travelling wife Claire Randall flee from North Carolina to the high seas during the American Revolution, they encounter privateers and ocean battles. Meanwhile in the relative safety of the 20th century Brianna (Claire and Jamie's daughter) and Roger MacKenzie, Brianna's husband, search for clues not only to Claire's fate--but to their own fate in the Highlands.
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ISBN / EAN 9780385342452
Genre Anglais Ouvrages De Littérature
Publication date 2009-10-01 00:00:00
Auteur Diana Gabaldon
Editeur Delacorte Press
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