
As young girls, Nel and Sula shared each other's secrets and dreams in the poor black mid-West of their childhood. Then Sula ran away to live her dreams and Nel got married. Ten years later Sula returns and no one, least of all Nel, trusts her. This is a story of fear - the fear that traps us, justifying itself through perpetual myth and legend.
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As young girls, Nel and Sula shared each other's secrets and dreams in the poor black mid-West of their childhood. Then Sula ran away to live her dreams and Nel got married. Ten years later Sula returns and no one, least of all Nel, trusts her. This is a story of fear - the fear that traps us, justifying itself through perpetual myth and legend.
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ISBN / EAN 9780099760016
Genre Anglais Ouvrages De Littérature
Publication date 1998-04-01 00:00:00
Auteur Morrison, Toni
Editeur Vintage Publishing
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