Arabian Nights: Tales of 1,001 Nights

Every night, the vengeful King Shahriyar sleeps with a different virgin, executing her the next morning. To end this brutal pattern and to save her own life, the vizier's daughter, Shahrazad, begins to tell the king stories of adventure, love, riches and wonder. The sequence of stories will last 1,001 nights.
Every night, the vengeful King Shahriyar sleeps with a different virgin, executing her the next morning. To end this brutal pattern and to save her own life, the vizier's daughter, Shahrazad, begins to tell the king stories of adventure, love, riches and wonder. The sequence of stories will last 1,001 nights.
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ISBN / EAN 9780140449389
Genre Non Attribu
Publication date 2010-01-21 00:00:00
Editeur Penguin Books Ltd
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