A spy in the house of love

Sabrina is a firebird blazing through 1950s New York: she is a woman daring to enjoy the sexual licence that men have always known. Wearing extravagant outfits and playing dangerous games of desire, s
Prix spécial 117,00DH Ancien prix 140,00DH
Sabrina is a firebird blazing through 1950s New York: she is a woman daring to enjoy the sexual licence that men have always known. Wearing extravagant outfits and playing dangerous games of desire, she deliberately avoids committment, gripped by the pursuit of pleasure for its own sake.
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ISBN / EAN 9780141183718
Genre Anglais Ouvrages De Littérature
Publication date 2007-01-25 00:00:00
Auteur Nin, Anais
Editeur Adult Pbs
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