Story of King Arthur and His Knights (Barnes & Noble Collectible Editions)

When Arthur pulls the embedded sword from the stone, his future as the King of England is foretold. This imaginative retelling of the classic legends recounts the story of Arthur's formation of the Knights of the Round Table, his securing of the enchanted sword Excalibur, his wooing of the Lady Guinevere and many other beloved Arthurian tales.
When Arthur pulls the embedded sword from the stone, his future as the King of England is foretold. This imaginative retelling of the classic legends recounts the story of Arthur's formation of the Knights of the Round Table, his securing of the enchanted sword Excalibur, his wooing of the Lady Guinevere and many other beloved Arthurian tales.
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ISBN / EAN 9781435162112
Auteur Pyle, Howard
Editeur Union Square & Co.
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